

Our aim is to partner with our community to provide all beneficiaries with enriched, innovative learning experiences, guiding them to new opportunities. We strive to make a significant difference in the community where we live and operate. We engage with our beneficiaries early in the planning process to listen, learn and understand their assets, values, needs and interests and make use of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach – developed by John L. McKnight and John P. Kretzmann at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, to empower the people of community by encouraging them to utilize what they already possess.

The Foundation’s work focuses on influencing community opinion, providing inspiration, changing attitudes, spreading information, all meant to have an impact on decision-makers in society. Our ultimate goal is to reach as many people as possible and support efforts which are innovative, experimental and untested, and will prioritise means and measures which are likely to have the strongest possible impact at any given time.

A quality education is the foundation of sustainable development, and therefore of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Foundation’s objective is to provide quality education to not so privileged people in the community, primarily through the support of national and international projects.

Our flagship program #ChildrenFirst is aimed at achieving universal quality education for all children, and is complemented by targeted programs on Personal Security, Continuing Education, Skill Development and recreational activities for not so privileged young men and women and senior Indians.

Let’s build this Foundation together. Become an Event Contributor and keep an eye on your mailbox for a token of appreciation sent from the The Finanza Finesse Foundation, New Delhi. With your support we can.

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