
Education- Children First

Education is the leading of human souls to what is best, and making what is best out of them - John Ruskin

Concept Development

Educating a child needs one of the most basic step that is development of the concepts. Enabling them to understand the core knowledge that helps them to explore and broaden their horizons of education.

Distance Learning Aids & Tools

Conducting workshops and having creative sessions of DE programs through video conferencing enables us to reach to the beneficiaries in different parts of the country by two way video or audio communication. 

Extending Learning Beyond Classroom

We offer special strategy sessions that works on sharing tips and techniques to crack entrance examinations for formal education as well as competitive examinations for career building.

Communication Technologies

We organize workshops on “ how to use technology for public good” by writing email messages, voice mail, telephone etiquette, automatic speech recognition (ASR), report writing with visuals, persuasive letter writing, public  speaking, using Translaty, and effective use of social media platforms.

Career Communication

We prepare program participants on the career search: Resume building, Interviews, Presentations, Business letters, Business plans, Business meetings, Media relations, and Intercultural communication etiquettes’. 

Listening Intelligently

We offer training sessions on Learn and practice, New skills, to listen what’s not said or what is overstated. Because of the central importance of listening in business, as well as in personal life, this program focuses on ways to evaluate and improve the participant’s listening ability.

Our Strategy

We aim to implement our vision into practice
  • Conduct study and assess the needs of the community, to design a flexible model to spread education amongst children in target locations.
  • Ensure community participation in order to create a sustainable community schooling method in the target areas.
  • Involve families and their environment within the work area so as to build a harmonious working ecosystem.


Our Philosophy

Our aim is to partner with our community

To provide all beneficiaries with enriched, innovative learning experiences, guiding them to extraordinary opportunities. We offer seminars, interactive workshops  and provide resources to support communities and help people do their work more effectively and efficiently. We at The Finanza Finesse Foundation firmly believe that each and every child is unique and precious and thereby we look forward at all the capabilities and the potential a child has and thereby helping them in enhancing their skills by providing them with the best suited resources.


The Only Way to Make This Happen is to Take Action


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