
Happy At Our Age

Care for Elderly

Project Info

Skills Team Work, Conceptual Skills, Technology Use, Information Use

Project Description

Project “Happy At Our Age” is for securing our Indian senior citizens who bring joy at every age.

Aim of this project is to provide need-based, in-house interactive workshops to Indian seniors on managing feelings and behaviour at their age and also provide the services of time-share volunteers for taking good care of elderly people in the community. The project team will be organizing awareness campaigns on health and self-care, and cultural & literary programs for senior people with special needs.

Stress arises when elderly people perceive that they cannot adequately cope with the situations around them or with threats to their well being. It is often seen as a culmination into a breakdown, where all the systems of an individual become less motivated to go on. Therefore very powerful stress management techniques will be imparted to the elderly people, which may help them in facing the challenges that lie ahead in life.

The senior members will also be empowered to take their age-old learning to the next level. Through interactive sessions, they will be adequately trained on use of social media,  gaming on smartphones and other devices, and also on effective utilization of digital library- all within a fun-filled inclusive environment in the community /at their doorstep.

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